Monday, June 9, 2008

Let Us Take Care of Our Planet so that it in Turn Cares for Us

While in one of my early morning walks with my wife, Marianne, we came upon an interesting farm scene. However, I did not have my camera that has the lens that can be fitted with my infrared filter. I did not want to remove the lens off my other camera. So, I told her later that day we would return and bring the other camera so I can take an infrared image of the place. However, it was so hot that afternoon that we decided to go there the next day instead. When we finally had a chance to go with the right camera, the plot was already being prepared by two farmers. They were not working there the previous day so I thought, that I will have to take the image with the two farmers working the field instead of my previous plan to take the image without any people in the scenery. So I created a near infrared image with two farmers taking turns plowing a small part of their rice field. In the center of the plot, there is a mango tree growing. Instead of removing the tree so that they can plow their rice field more easily, they did not. Instead, they allowed it to grow and they just go around the tree. For taking care and allowing the tree to continue to grow, they receive fruits in return. It finally occurred to me that having the two farmers in the scene added story to the image!

Like us, if we take care of our planet, it will return the care we gave to us. But if we choose to not do so, we will feel its wrath...

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