Saturday, May 30, 2020


Do you keep old perfume bottles? I do... They are very interesting to look at. Each with their own personality. So unique are each one as the fragrance they once held. Like people. When they are new, when they still contained those delightful scent, people would like to have them. People would like to be seen around with them. But, once their contents are consumed, once the wonderful fragrance they once held is not there anymore, people just throw them away. Not caring and not noticing how wonderful the memories they had when they sprayed those wonderful perfume. People do not want to be seen with them anymore. Because, people think they cannot offer anything more. Because they cannot derive anything wonderful or anything they want from them. Yes, many people are like that. But maybe there are still a few individuals who know how to look aback. And, know how to treasure and see good things in everything.

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